Artist statement / cv



The human being, with his dual nature – sensual and spiritual, is my biggest inspiration and focus.

Through figurative art I transfer elemental content of human existence that people, in a natural way, may come to read, without knowing the code and cultural context.

The human form is like a temple; a sphere of sacrum, which encompassed the richness of emotions and experiences. These states of mind are sources of exploration for me to seek those binding qualities that make us human. Painting is a way for me to convert intangible feelings into two-dimensional forms.

I am fascinated by the richness of human interior life and the ways we express feelings outside of language. Trying to paint an intangible emotion or human experience has become my biggest challenge.

Some of these emotions, as part of our existence, include pain, suffering, longing. Moments of happiness and excitement mix with those of anxiety and pain, thus forming us as humans. In the same way I put layers of paint to my canvas. Inner torments, limitations, incompleteness are often reflected in blurred backgrounds, which distorts parts of faces. My works are evidence of a search for the means of expression that split the self into a dilemma of human experience.

Face expressions, gestures, serve as references for form. My works become ‘a meeting place’ – a meeting with the inner and exterior selves, while at the same time opening up a meeting space with another’s essence.




2013-2015 – Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, USA

MFA Fine Arts 3D

Thesis Topic: “Humanscape” – sculpture and painting exhibition


2007-2012 – Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland

MFA program in Sculpture, Faculty of Sculpture

Thesis topic: practical artwork: 1:1 figurative sculpture “Ecce Homo” , supplement artwork: Series of medals “Ecce Homo, theoretical work: “Ecce Homo- research on depictions of man in art”


2009-2010 – Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Italy

Sculpture Department, Erasmus exchange program


2006-2009 – University of Warsaw, Poland

MA program in English Philology, specialty in Teaching and Translating, Institute of Applied Linguistics,

Thesis topic: “English – Polish Multimedia Sculpture Dictionary”


2003-2006 – University of Warsaw, PolandB.A program in English Philology, University College of English Language Teacher Education, Centre for Foreign Languages Teacher Training and European Education

Thesis topic: “Using Art as a Stimulus in the EFL Classroom” Lelewel High School, Warsaw, linguistic profile




Sculpture Instructor, Warsaw School of Arts, Warsaw
Painting Workshops for adults- Instructor, Officyna Art and Design Gallery, Warsaw Art Workshops for children- Instructor, Officyna Art and Design Gallery, Warsaw


Ceramics Seminar, Teaching Assistant, MassArt, Boston, MA, USA Ceramic Chemistry, Teaching Assistant, MassArt, Boston, MA, USA

Gallery Assistant, Bakalar & Paine Galleries, , MassArt, Boston, USA Sculpture Seminar, Teaching Assistant, MassArt, Boston, MA, USA Portrait in Clay, Teaching Assistant, MassArt, Boston, MA, USA

Anatomy for Artists, Teaching Assistant, MassArt, Boston, MA, USA
Art Foundation Seminar, Teaching Assistant, MassArt, Boston, MA, USA


Private teacher of English, individual classes on all levels

Teacher of English for employers, Agricultural Property Agency,  Warsaw

Licensed tour leader, translator – Almatur Travel Agency, Warsaw 

English teacher, British School in- company training -Warsaw 

Licensed tour leader, Artur Travel Agency – Warsaw

Teacher of English, XLI Joachim Lelewel High School, Warsaw 

Translator, apprenticeship in Agricultural Property Agency, section of cooperation with foreigners




Andaman International Art workshop and exhibition, Krabi, Thailand

KMUTNB International Art & Design Workshop & Exhibition, Amphawa, Thailand


International Artfinder Artist Residency, Saint Nocilas du Pelem, France (painting plein-air)


Artist in Residence in the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, West Rutland, Vermont, USA (carving marble statue)


FULBRIGHT Scholarship, Polish-US Fulbright Commission (study and work at Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, USA)


International workshop in ceramics “Reverse Fabrication”– part of cooperation between Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and Bergen National Academia of Arts, concluded with exhibition in Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum – Museum of Modern Art in Bergen, Bergen, Norway


Third edition of international sculpture workshop in travertine „Lega’mi -un Segno nel Parco”, concluded by exhibition at the space of Antiche Cave del Barco, Tivoli, organized by Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma and M.U.S.P.A.C – Museo Sperimentale d’Arte Contemporanea inl’Aquila, Tivoli Terme, Italy


Erasmus Program Scholarship– Sculpture Department in the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Italy



2015 Dean’s Scholarship Massachusetts College of Arts and Design, Boston, MA

2012 Honor for the Thesis Sculpture “Ecce Homo”, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland

2011 Honor for the sculpture “Desire”, participation in the exhibition of finalist of the 10th Edition of Hesia Artistic Journey Competition, National Gallery of Art, Sopot, Poland

2010 Honor for the stone sculpture “Memories”, during the exhibition ending sculpture workshop in travertine “Lega’mi -un Segno nel Parco”, Tivoli Terme, Italy

2008-2010 Honors and annual academic scholarships for the best results in art education, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

2008-2009 Honor for outstanding work in the sculpture workshop of prof. Piotr Gawron, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw




– Andaman Art Museum, 2nd International Art exhibition, Krabi, Thailand

– KMUTNB International Art Exhibition, Amphawa, Thailand


-“State of Hope”, Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, West Rutland, Vermont, USA

– “Przenikania” (“Interfusion”), Officna Art and Design, Warsaw
– “Fascinations” – solo exhibition of painting, Ulegla Gallery, Lysy Pingwin, Warsaw

2016 – “Vibrations”, Art Center Fort Sokolnickiego, Warsaw – a solo exhibition of sculpture and painting

– “1000 ° C in the sculpture” – exhibition of Artistic Foundry Workshops, Department of – Sculpture at Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Galeria Hall, ASP Lódz

2015 – “Shape of Beauty”, Boston Arts Academy, Boston, MA – SOLO EXHIBITION
– “Humanscape” MFA thesis Show, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA
– “26th Annual MassArt Auction”, Paine and Bacalar Galleries, Boston, MA
– “Painting and Ceramics Show”, President’s Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA

2014 – “MassArt Show”, Boston City Hall, Boston, MA
– “Graduate Show”, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA

– “The Art of Dying”, Chaffee Art Center, Rutland, Vermont – “Emerge Boston”, Menino Arts Center, Boston, MA, USA

2013 – “Talk To – A Salon of Paired Works”, Arnheim Gallery, MassArt, Boston, USA 2012 – “Ecce Homo- Behold the Man” – defense of diploma work Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 5, main Palace

2011 – “Finalists of Artistic Hestia Journey competition”, National Gallery of Art, Sopot;

2010 – “Reverse Fabrication” – Group exhibition in Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum – Museum of Modern Art in Bergen, Norway – ending international workshop in ceramics; – “Lega’mi un Segno nel Parco” – Group Exhibition at the space of Antiche Cave del Barco, Tivoli, organized by Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma and M.U.S.P.A.C – Museo Sperimentale d’Arte Contemporanea in l’Aquila, ending third edition of international sculpture workshop in travertine, Tivoli Terme, Italy;
– “Annual exhibition” – Group exhibition of students of Academy of Fine Arts in Rome- Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, Italy

2009 – Zepter Gallery, Warsaw- exhibition of students of Sculpture Faculty of Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw;

– University of Warsaw, Marketing Faculty- exhibition of students of Sculpture Faculty of Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

2008 – Olympic Center, Warsaw- exhibition of students of Sculpture Faculty of Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw


2015 “NCECA” – National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, 49th Annual Conference,

Providence, Rhode Island, USA

2014 “The role of Art and Culture in Society” – Fulbright Enrichment Seminar, Philadelphia, USA

2013 Fulbright Gateway Orientation Conference, Miami Dade College, Miami, USA



2017 live Interview in Polish Radio 4, Warsaw

2014 live Interview as an Artist in Residence in the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, West Rutland, Vermont- “Morning Chat With Kenn Hayes”, WSYB radio, Rutland, Vermont, USA

2012 creating “English – Polish Multimedia Sculpture Dictionary” – ready do be published



2015 – the catalogue „Master of Fine Arts 2015, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA, USA – article “Respecting the Stone – interview with Artist in Residence in the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center”, Rutland Herald newspaper, Vermont, USA

2011 – the catalogue „Finalists of the – Hesia Artistic Journey Competition 2011”, Sopot 2011 (sculpture “Desire”, achievements of the author)

2010 – the catalogue „Lega’mi -un Segno nel Parco – 2010”, Italy 2010 (sculpture “Memories”, achievements of the author)



2018 – Andaman Art Museum, Krabi, Thailand
2015 – Sculpture Park – Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, West Rutland, Vermont, USA
2012 – Sculpture Park, Space of Antiche Cave del Barco, Tivoli, Italy

2012 – 2018 – Private Collections, Poland, France, USA

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