“Blue” 2018 art show, 1st place award, Colors of Humanity Art Gallery, PA, USA 🇺🇸 December 2018

“Infinite” won the 1st place in the international “Blue” 2018 art show, organized by the Colors of Humanity Art Gallery, PA, USA️


oils and acrylics on canvas, 30/40” (76/102cm)
USA, August 2018
“Infinite” belongs to the series of my most recent paintings exploring the depths of human interior and soul. The depicted figure is portrayed in the state of being moved, touched, connected. Her hand touches gently the most delicate place one her body, the neck, where the pulse can be felt, while her eyes are directed above, beyond the frame of the painting, which draws attention to the invisible, the source that is beyond human perception; intangible, but at the same time very close to us. Her body is submerged into the symbolic blueness, which represents both the sky and the sea, and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, expansiveness, inspiration, sensitivity, as well as spirituality, faith and depth. The tangible and intangible worlds are permeating; the flesh and the spirit are connected.
“Infinite” thus summarises my main inspiration and focus: the human being, with his dual nature – sensual and spiritual. Through figurative art I transfer elemental content of human existence that people, in a natural way, may come to read, without knowing the code and cultural context. I combine elements of realism with expressive, emotional quest for power of expression. 
The human form is like a temple; a sphere of sacrum, which encompassed the richness of emotions and experiences. These states of mind are sources of exploration for me to seek those binding qualities that make us human. Human, but also part of the infinite universe. Painting is a way for me to convert intangible feelings, intangible soul, into two-dimensional forms.
I am fascinated by the richness of human interior life and the ways we express feelings outside of language. Human body as a vessel for soul. Trying to paint an intangible emotion or human experience has become my biggest challenge. 
My main intention is to move, to touch, to invite the viewer to reflect and explore the beauty of own being, and to seek further, beyond material life. My works are evidence of a search for the means of expression that split the self into a dilemma of human experience. Face expressions, gestures, serve as references for form. Painting becomes ‘a meeting place’ – a meeting with the inner and exterior selves, while at the same time opening up a meeting space with another’s essence.


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